Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Food Based Detox Diet consists of:

Healing Foods and Fats
Vegetable Juices
Unrefined sea salt
In particular, target foods that contain live enzymes and nutrients. These have an alkalizing effect on the body, countering the acid based foods which produce intestinal mucoid plaque.

A good detoxification diet will make your body ALKALINE.

Cyclic Fasting
Daily cycles of undereating and overeating will help your liver detoxify. Undereating days ingesting raw fruits and vegetables gives your digestive system sufficient time to recuperate and reload itself with enzymes and nutrients necessary for healthy digestion. Proper digestion avoids the buildup of toxic partially digested or undigested food accumulating in the bowel.

Permitted Foods During Fasting
Fresh fruits
Fresh vegetables, either raw or cooked
Sprouted greens
Whole grains, both cooked and sprouted; [no breads or baked goods]

Foods to Avoid During Fasting
Animal foods
Dairy products
This diet keeps fiber and water intake up and helps colon detoxification. Most people can handle this well and make the shift from their regular diet with a few days transition.

For a full list of foods to avoid.

Foods and Supplements That Support Chelation
Mineral supplements to help chelate toxins out of your body.
Multivitamins - B vitamins and vitamin C that are most needed under stress.
Miso soup - a great natural mineralizer and alkalizer. Japanese researchers believe that miso is a potent anti-radiation food.
Sea vegetables such as kelp, arame and hijiki contain sodium alginate chelator of radioactive toxins.
Sulphur containing foods - critical for liver detoxification. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and eggs.
Glutathione precursors glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. Reduced glutathione is a precursor to a most powerful antioxidant enzyme that helps protect all bodily tissue from free radical assaults. Glutathione helps protect mitochondrialDNA from damage from toxins.
Sulphur-containing free-form amino acids such as methionine and cystine.
- S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). SAMe is the active form of methionione helpful in liver detoxification and metabolic efficiency.

- N-Acetyl Cystine (NAC) is an anti-oxidant, chelator of heavy metals and also a potent protector against radiation.

Glutamic acid helps detoxify and recycle ammonia to glutamine. In times of extreme oxidative stress, ammonia is toxic to the brain.

Foods To Avoid At All Times
Foods sprayed with Petroleum-based pesticides and herbicides. Eat organic foods where possible.
Fluids that have been stored in plastic.
Food that smells like plastic. Plastic derivatives mimic estrogen and as such place severe pressure on the liver as well as exposing you to the danger of estrogenic-related symptoms such as stubborn fat, feminization of men, sterility and even cancer.
Rancid food - oils and peanuts are common culprits.
Over-processed food - white flour and over processed protein powders. 

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