Saturday, September 22, 2012

Healthy Practices to Live By

Forget about diets because most people actually gain all the weight they lost. That’s because diets have such a temporary ring to them. As soon as you’re done, no one tells you how to make changes in your lifestyle. So, the poor ignorant you goes back to eating the way you’re used to and then you slowly watch all the pounds add up. This is just so off-putting. Doctors, nutritionists, and health experts have been telling you that it’s actually time to make changes in your lifestyle if you want permanent results. Stop hopping from one type of diet to the next. When you hear about just how good these are, think about all the hype that’s out there. This is just one of those. Nothing beats eating right and regular exercise. And if you stick to it, you’ll appreciate its long term effects and the wonderful changes it brings to your life.

The first law you need to know about is that carbs isn’t your enemy. Calories are actually more crucial if you want to keep the weight off. If you eat healthy, you get more for the amount of food you eat. For instance, a piece of croissant may not be much, but this light buttery bread is packed with unhealthy fats and an insane amount of calories. If you substituted whole-wheat bread for that, you can actually eat more and feel more satisfied. The low carb diet works because you just end up eating less. In a few hours or so, you start to feel those hunger pangs again. Have oatmeal with skim milk for breakfast and make sure to include high fiber foods in your meals. Then, spend an hour in the gym and wait. You’re sure to lose all the weight if you just stick to the plan.

Never go on a crash diet. Yes, you’ll lose weight quickly, but in time, your metabolism also starts to slow down because you’re actually starving yourself in the process. When you lose all that weight too fast, your body starts to react. After the weight crash, your body copes with the changes the best way it knows how. Then, you’ll find that while you’re eating the same amount of food, you’re no longer losing weight. Then, your muscle mass starts to drop as well. This is actually crucial because you need muscles to metabolize more efficiently. Instead of depriving yourself of the nutrition your body needs, eat right and exercise regularly.

Just because you exercise more often now, this doesn’t give you the liberty to consume more. Focus on eating less no matter what. If you’re hungry, snack on veggie sticks or anything that contains few calories. You’ll feel satisfied, but at the same time, you don’t go around with your stomach growling. There are sites that help you keep track of what you put inside your mouth. In fact, there are even phone apps available as well. That way, help is with you at all times. Just whip out your phone to see if you’re doing things right.

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